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UWB speeding up technologies

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The aim of this project is to do research in the UWB satellite communications to increase its efficiency, boosting its throughput and speeding up its virtual data transmission. UWB is a wireless technology for transmitting large amounts of digital data over a wide spectrum of frequency band and it is applied for the satellite communications. There is a rapid development in UWB technology since the use of UWB in the range of 3.1 to 10.6 has been unlicensed by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in 2002 where it has a very wide band of 7.5 GHz. UWB has several advatages such as low complexity, low cost, low power consumption, high security, robustness for multi-path fading and high data transfer rate wireless connectivity.

The low power spectral density of UWB signals is extremely low, enabling UWB systems to operate in the same spectrum as narrowband technologies without causing undue intereferences. The ultra wideband is sometimes combined with the narrowband so that an additional frequency range of 2 to 3.1 GHz is added and therefore the whole frequency range is expanded from 2 to 10.6 GHz. The source of the name, UWB, is that it expands over S band and C band of the operating frequencies specified for the satellite communications. WiMAX is the most closest mobile communications frequency band to the satellite communications. The frequency band of WiMAX expands from 2000-6000 MHz for mobile links and from 2000-11000 MHz for fixed links. Therefore, UWB signal is vulnerable to intereference with other signals of other satellite and mobile communication signals because it expands over S band, S band and X band and it has nearly the same band of WiMAX.

The intereference should be resolved by two methods: The first method is the intereference avoidance and the second method is the intereference recovery. Where the intereference of UWB signal with other narrowband signals is not excessive, the intereference recovery is potential to be done successfully. The aim of the project, UWB speeding up technologies, is to investigate methods for UWB signal intereference avoidance and recovery. Of course, the success in achieving these targets will speed up UWB data transmission because the data loss will be reduced and therefore the amount of data transmission will increase. There will be a diversity of research to be done in this project because the area of research of UWB is wide and inclusive of many topics.


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